Sunday 2 January 2011

More On Character Deaths

After my post yesterday, I was asked in the comments about the death of Cable, which also made me remember that another Marvel character was killed off recently.

So, Loki and Cable have both kicked it recently. Both in crossovers, in fact.

The thing is, neither of them are dead.

Loki had a Siege one-shot where he bought off Hela so he would never die - the next month he 'died' in a tearful scene with his step brother Thor. Also, it seems people didn't read that one-shot, as more than one person thinks Loki is dead.

Cable 'died' in the finale of Second Coming whilst holding a time-portal open, covered in the Techno-Organic virus which had threatened to consume him since birth. When the portal snapped shut, his arm was left out of the portal, severing it and giving Hope a great trophy for her wall.

The problem with this is the fact that Cable is a time traveller. If he can't survive being thrown willy-nilly through time via an out of control time portal, nobody can. Sure, he's approaching (if not over) 60 years old by now, but he's a a slippery one. If X-Force don't find him before 2012, I'll be very surprised - he banded the original X-Force together, which is why he joined forces with the most recent iteration twice.

"But Ace, what about the T.O. virus you mentioned?" you may ask! It was probably all contained in his arm. You know, despite it being a different arm from his original, and actually bereft of the T.O. virus, as per Cable & Deadpool... I forget the issue number, but it was after Deadpool had lobotomised him and found a techno-organic alien lifeform that he used to restart Cable's brain.

I'll look it up.

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